Ingenovis Health Mobile App
Join the Home for Healthcare Talent
Download the Ingenovis Mobile App
Search jobs and manage your profile in a single app for three of the Ingenovis Health brands: Trustaff, Fastaff and USN
Use One-Click Apply on jobs of interest to connect with a recruiter
Easily update your profile across all three companies with a single login
Complete your professional skills checklists and upload documents in one place
Stay connected with your recruiter and support team during your job search and beyond

Quickly browse and apply for jobs filtered for you
Browse real-time job listings for RNs, Allied specialties, LPNs and other healthcare specialties and use advanced filtering to view jobs that match your personal career goals.

Update your profile and job history as it grows
Easily update your employment profile across all three companies with a single login, including adding new entries to your job history and professional references.

Securely upload and manage your required documents
Securely upload and manage credentialing and onboarding documents, including state licenses and specialty certifications.